OpenAI has released ChatGPT, a conversational tool that can analyze complex inputs such as code and provide a human-readable response. The technology is very interesting because of how accurate it is. It is able to explain difficult concepts, such as what certain functions do inside of a Solidity smart contract or React component.
In the first week of opening, the platform brought in over 1 million new users. This is a record, even by FAANG standards. To build that much interest in a project in only 5 days is an incredible feat.
OpenAI has been around for a while, allowing tech minded people to develop image generation scripts with AI, analyze data, automate gameplay, simulate human intelligence, and more. I will definitely stay up to date with ChatGPT to see what happens next.

Best posts made by William
OpenAI's ChatGPT is breaking records
Latest posts made by William
Created 2 Forum Groups: Socialites & Developers
I have created two new forum groups:
A social group, invite-only for the most social users on the site. These users know how to start engaging discussions.
Private sub forum:
A group for users who have demonstrated their development skills on the web, apps, or software.
Private sub forum:
How to join:
The only way to join is to create new topics & reply to others' topics around General Forum. You will be invited if your posts are in line with the group requirements and goals. As a Socialite or Developer you'll have a new custom badge for your forum profile, and access to private forums. -
Are you happy with your 2023 tax returns?
I am happy personally because I accurately paid my taxes and didn't owe anything. It has been a while since I have received anything substantial back due to payrolls often being extremely accurate for state & federal withholdings.
What about you? -
Do you like biking for exercise?
I have lost weight in the past from riding my bike. I enjoy it because you have the option of cruising at times if you choose to, you can take on serious hills, and see a lot more than if you are walking or running. It was helpful for me to get in shape, but I know biking is not for everyone.
Do you enjoy bicycle rides for exercise, and if not do you ride at all even just for fun? -
Where do you watch TV shows & movies?
Where are you watching your favorite television shows and movies?
Personally I use Netflix the most & my fiance always loads up a mix of Peacock, Disney+, sometimes Vudu, and the occasional Amazon pick. -
RE: I created Discuss.Software
If you want to check out Discuss, you can do so here: The membership on Discuss is separate from General Forum here.
Using certbot for SSL
I really love certbot because it makes SSL certificate management very simple. I realized that the site here had an expired SSL for both and and it was super easy to update both:
- sudo certbot --nginx
- the nginx flag is a plugin that allows certbot to auto update any nginx configuration files to use new paths / settings to the SSL certificate files
- this then presents a list of all sites I have in my nginx/sites-enabled/ folder
- I simply had to type in the #s 6 and 7 which correspond to GF's regular and www. domain URLs and press Enter
- Once you select the target site, NGINX will ask a few questions
- I typed in the letter K and pressed enter to Keep the current settings
- I typed in the number 2 and pressed enter to Renew the certificate instead of attempting to reinstall the old/expired cert
It took me longer to write this post than it took me to update the SSL.
Does anyone here use certbot and if not, why? - sudo certbot --nginx
I created Discuss.Software
Discuss.Software is a free discussion platform with a lot of exciting features yet to come.
I created it for fun and am expanding its features ! -
Admiral McRaven's motivational speech
Have any of you seen this motivational speech? When I first heard it I rolled my eyes and thought "okay Mom..." or "Got it Dad, thanks", but as the years go by I can't help but understand it more and more.
The premise of the speech is that if you start each day accomplishing something, no matter how small, you can always end your day feeling accomplished - or at worst, falling asleep in a comfortable bed. The idea is that if you start your day making your bed, you can end your day in a made bed. You see? Sounds obvious, and maybe it sounds stupid, but as I've grown as a man I have come to realize that this analogy is perfect.
I may not make my bed every day, and I would have struggled in the military, but Admiral McRaven does a great job of using his experience in a relatable way. It just... "makes sense" in my opinion.
The speech also touches on the power of teamwork, a solid work ethic, persistence, and the power of doing things that make you feel good even if it's not "fun" or something you want to do.
I definitely recommend watching this at some point: -
RE: How do I share a YouTube video?
I'm working on an embed integration!
Note to self, I must install YouTube plugin for auto embeds: -
RE: OpenAI's ChatGPT is breaking records
@sam How much would you value ChatGPT or OpenAI at? $100M? $1 Billion?